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10 Surprising Facts About The Ger

The ger (pronounced ‘gaire’) presents a lovely window into the history and culture of Mongolia’s nomadic people. Ger is the Mongolian name for the portable, round tent dwelling used by distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia. Also called a yurt (from the Turkic lnaguages), ger are traditionally constructed of a supported crown (roof ring), roof poles, wood latticework walls, and covered with felt—the dome skylight is open, with a woodstove chimney, and the door faces south. A marvel of ingenuity, the ger heartily withstands harsh winter winds, and radiates warmth within its insulation. The following facts about the ger are yet more intriguing. Read more “10 Surprising Facts About The Ger”

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A Tradition of Conservation

For Mongolians, the concept of “environmental protection” is not merely a name for protecting nature from external influences, nor is it a name for seeking ways to rehabilitate nature after it has deteriorated. Instead it is the values of taking the necessary measures to adapt and protect nature wisely to prevent that potential degradation. It is a culture of respecting the earth, treating it with humanity, loving its animals and plants, and preserving its resources with high ecological ethics. Read more “A Tradition of Conservation”

Three Camel Lodge Jalsa-kleinberg

Travel with Confidence


  • All vaccinated or unvaccinated travelers arriving in Mongolia must present a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to departure.
  • All travelers are subject to a rapid covid-19 test upon arrival at Ulaanbaatar airport.


  • Mongolia is one of the countries with few confirmed cases. Click here to check latest COVID case numbers and local vaccination updates:
  • Mongolia’s total population is about 3.2 million and 66% of the population is currently fully vaccinated.

Read more “Travel with Confidence”

Three Camel Lodge Flaming Cliffs

The Flaming Cliffs

Why It’s a Must-See When Visiting Mongolia
You will likely never forget your visit to the Flaming Cliffs in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. This stunning setting is the stuff of ad campaigns and holiday card photos, but it’s so much more than (just) a beautiful place. Long before the discovery of the world’s first dinosaur eggs put the Flaming Cliffs on the proverbial map, this dramatic landscape served as a resting place for the camel caravans traveling from Beijing. Read more “The Flaming Cliffs”

Three Camel Lodge-Gringo Trails

Q&A with Pegi Vail, Filmmaker and Anthropologist

Pegi Vail is an anthropologist and filmmaker who recently screened her film, Gringo Trails, at Three Camel Lodge. This intrepid traveler has been all over the world, but this was her first visit to Mongolia.

We spoke with Pegi upon her return to New York and here’s what she had to say about her first visit to Mongolia, as well as her fascinating film. Read more “Q&A with Pegi Vail, Filmmaker and Anthropologist”

Three Camel Lodge-Bob Christ

Musings on Mongolia with Bob Krist, National Geographic Photographer & World Traveler

“Who would you invite to a dinner party?” It’s a popular ice breaker, with answers often ranging from the Dalai Lama to Abraham Lincoln, but once you’ve met Bob Krist, it’s likely he will be the first person who comes to mind. Krist is an award-winning photographer who has traveled the world for National Geographic. Read more “Musings on Mongolia with Bob Krist, National Geographic Photographer & World Traveler”